Heather McLeod-Kilmurray Featured on The Law School Show

Professor Heather McLeod-Kilmurray is featured on a recently released episode of The Law School Show, with host Jake Clark, on the topic of Health and Help: Food Security, Ecological Law, and Multidisciplinary Responses to Climate Change.

From the show’s description: “Her insights draw from studies in food law, sustainable administration, and ecofeminism to explain where we stand, and hopefully where we’re going, while safeguarding against burnout and paralysis. As the climate becomes an unavoidable focus in law and life, her observations detail a way forward that values respect for both ecology and humanity.”

Disrupting Dominant Discourses of Food Systems & Food Movements

Professor Heather McLeod-Kilmurray will be part of a panel discussion on “Disrupting Dominant Discourses of Food Systems & Food Movements”, hosted by the University of Windsor Faculty of Law on January 23, 2019 from 12:00pm-2:00pm.

This panel brings together academics and practitioners concerned with food law to discuss some issues on sustainable food sourcing, production, and circulation. What does sustainable mean? What is a food system? Who does it sustain and who is it sustained by? Some of the topics that will be discussed include Indigenous food sovereignty, urban agriculture in Detroit and local communities, migrant worker rights, and food law and policy in Canada more generally.


CLSA/LSA Annual Meeting 2018: Law at the Crossroads

Professor Heather McLeod-Kilmurray and doctoral student Angela Lee recently presented at the 2018 CLSA/LSA Annual Meeting held in Toronto. Their panel, on the topic of "Animals, Law and Subjectivity", was chaired by Angela Harris of UC Davis and included Charlotte Blattner, Jessica Eisen, and Maneesha Deckha as panelists. 

Their presentation explored intersecting issues relating to feminism, veganism, and questions of justice, especially in the context of new and emerging technological developments in relation to flesh and other animal products. 

FLSQ Conference 2018

Angela Lee and Professor Heather McLeod-Kilmurray will be presenting at the Feminist Legal Studies Queen's Conference 2018, on the theme of (Re)Production: Inequalities of Gender, Racialization, and Class. The conference will be held at Queen's University on March 2-3, 2018. 

Their presentation, pertaining to the Food Justice case study, is entitled "The Milkmaid’s Tale: Veganism, Feminism, and Dystopian Food Futures".

Canada's Food Guide and Sustainability

Angela Lee, Professor Heather McLeod-Kilmurray, and Professor Nathalie Chalifour have published an op ed on Canada's Food Guide, arguing that sustainability considerations should feature more prominently in the current revision process.

The team highlight the fact that our daily food choices have broad-ranging impacts -- not only on our health, but also our environment. Drawing on the recent experiences of other countries, such as Sweden and Brazil, the op ed suggests that eating well is about more than just nutrition, and that the current revision process presents an important opportunity to help inculcate a more sustainable way of eating that can benefit individual consumers, local food producers, and our shared environment.

Forthcoming book on Food Law in Canada

Professor Heather McLeod-Kilmurray, Professor Nathalie Chalifour, and PhD student Angela Lee are co-editing a forthcoming book on food law in Canada, scheduled for publication in 2017. 

The goal of this edited volume - the first of its kind in Canada - is to offer a broad overview of both foundational and emerging issues in this burgeoning field of law, including critical perspectives.